Jeremy Bishop
Financial Advisor *
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist**
Bishop Insurance Group Inc
Financial Advisor *
Spécialiste en épargne collective**
Bishop Insurance Group Inc

Why choose us?
Our team of professionals draws on a legacy of over 100 years in insurance and financial services. We call Antigonish, New Glasgow and surrounding areas home and understand where you're coming from. We're deeply invested in our community and here to serve you — in person, on the phone or virtually.
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Antigonish office information office information Antigonish
Hours of operation
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53 James St E, Antigonish, NS, B2G 1R6, Canada
New Glasgow office information office information New Glasgow
Hours of operation
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Unit #2 770 East River Road, New Glasgow, NS, B2H 3S6, Canada
*Offering insurance products underwritten by Co-operators General Insurance Company and Co-operators Life Insurance Company.
**Offering mutual funds through Co-operators Financial Investment Services.