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L’ensemble des membres de l’équipe et leurs spécialités s’affichent.

Shaun Maslyk
Financial Advisor*
Mutual Fund Investment Specialist**
Over the last 15 years, Shaun has been delving into the fascinating world of personal finance. Shaun has learned that building wealth is not about collecting information, rather implementing proven strategies.
Shaun specializes in providing financial planning advice to corporations and business owners in the area of investments, protection and succession planning. Shaun has a Certified Financial Planning (CFP) designation, bachelor of commerce (B.Comm) and Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP).
Shaun deeply believes that when we understand our money relationships, and what’s important, our entire money framework changes in a healthy manner.
Shaun has a strong desire to make his community a better place. He sits on the board of directors for Junior Achievement, where their goal is to "Inspire. Educate. Equip. Preparing Alberta's next generation of change makers and leaders to thrive in a rapidly changing world." Additionally, Shaun participates with Soul Front, Make a Wish Foundation of Northern Alberta and SWAT Hockey Edmonton.
Finally, Shaun values the precious time he spends with his wife and two kids.
Email*Offering insurance products underwritten by Co-operators General Insurance Company and Co-operators Life Insurance Company.
**Offering mutual funds through Co-operators Financial Investment Services.